What is kOpenStealth ?
What kOpenStealth can do? → BEST FOR PALLADIUM !!!!
- you can see invisible ships
- autolock (autoclick) ships, ships from same company, alien / npc
- replace CPU diplomacy relationship (for example when you are premium, on minimap
you can see with green those who are your ally, or when you have war with red)
- show enemy on any map with a rectangle on the minimap (like in x-1)
- show in numbers the HitPoints / shield for enemy or aliens
- automatic switch on RSB every 3 seconds and back to selected ammunition, reaching
for a maximum damage
- auto-switch configuration
- Galaxy Gates (does all gates)
- flying around barriers (like in 5-x maps)
- show resources on minimap (prometium, endurium, terbium, palladium, cargo box,
bonus box, holiday box, green booty, yellow booty)
- collect palladium !
Note: If you don't want a tool especially for palladium and you don't like the new
minimap of kOS, we do recommend kerkava
STEP 1) How to start/run kOpenStealth ?
You can test our products for 24 hours to see how it works, download from main page,
or click here.
Follow video and the steps from click here. (Please ignore if you already have account
on control center)
If they are other problems you can check FAQ, click here.
STEP 2) How to configure kOpenStealth:
- Run kOpenStealth (allow all)
- Start browser and set proxy to port 3128
- Configure kOpenStealth what to do
a) Anti-camo, show invisible
b) Auto lock (enemy, aliens, all) - self explained... hit CTRL in game to auto-lock
c) show hitpoints, HP/SHIELD from ship or npc
d) switch configuration, automatic switch when shield down
e) RSB-75 changer, will combine selected ammo in map (for example x4) + selected
ammo in kOpenStealth
f) Collect Palladium, will be available only when you are on blue fog (blue color
from minimap) where is palladium and will collect automatically
g) Galaxy Gates, will be available only when you are on gate and will do the gate
How to buy / activate license / move license ??
Click here to see all instruction for buying and methods of paying.
Instructions for activate/move a license, click here. (If payment is completed and
you already sent to our mail all info needed, you will get the instruction how to
activate the license, if not just use the link from this paragraph.)
Video demonstration: (maybe soon)